This bag is sooo cute!! It is of medium size so I can put everything that I need, though it looks not big but for me this size is perfect :) The bag is very soft and it is pleasant to touch it! The colors are amazing, very nude and gentle! It fits to every look so I am gonna wear it all year round, this is my love! :))
I got this bag in pink too! Yaaay! <3
It's just every bit as lovely as the one I got in the camel colorway, and this one has a lovely warm peachy tone to it - so pretty! <3
I also forgot to mention in the previous review, that you get a big detachable heart pendant/keyring with the brand's name on and TWO sturdy detachable straps with attached (non detachable) bows! One short strap, so you can use it as a handbag and one long strap (which can be altered in length) so you can wear it as a crossbody bag! I have both straps on, which still looks pretty, so I can switch between the two as I go along..! <3
It's much nicer in real life than on the pictures! I got it in the heart shaped camel colorway (it matches almost everything) and the color is rich, the "fur" of very good quality and the making is of very high standard..! <3
It's more roomy than imagined, and will carry all my Lolita essentials like phone, makeup and little electric fan with ease. <3
Only problem I have now is, that I want it in all the other colorways too..! <3
It's just every bit as lovely as the one I got in the camel colorway, and this one has a lovely warm peachy tone to it - so pretty! <3
I also forgot to mention in the previous review, that you get a big detachable heart pendant/keyring with the brand's name on and TWO sturdy detachable straps with attached (non detachable) bows! One short strap, so you can use it as a handbag and one long strap (which can be altered in length) so you can wear it as a crossbody bag! I have both straps on, which still looks pretty, so I can switch between the two as I go along..! <3
It's more roomy than imagined, and will carry all my Lolita essentials like phone, makeup and little electric fan with ease. <3
Only problem I have now is, that I want it in all the other colorways too..! <3