This bag is adorable and I was pleasantly surprised by the quality of the construction and material. It does have a couple wrinkles here and there from shipping, but luckily they're not really noticeable when worn. This was a gift for my best friend and I can't wait to send it to her. :)
I received the large 3-way version and love it! The embroidery & hardware (buttons and such) are gorgeous. The inside is lined in a peachy-pink fabric and has 2 little pockets that could fit a cell phone and maybe a makeup mirror or anything in that size range. I can fit quite a few things in there like my wallet, a bottled water, cell phone, makeup bag, etc. The ONLY thing that upset me is that the wing points are crinkled which I suspect happened during shipping.
I got the 3-way large version of this purse, and it looks identical to the original! There are no loose threads or faults- it's perfect! I love it, thank you!
I got the 3-way larger version of the purse, it arrived today, and I must say, the quality of this purse is amazing!!!! It doesn't have a weird smell that many faux leather purses have, it has no loose threads anywhere, it's a very good size! The little "AP" embellishment looks very nice, very good quality! It feels like it'll last a long time before it shows any signs of wear! The little diamond eyes and little golden star embellishments are soooo cute! This is my favorite purse!! I have a feeling I'll get lots of compliments and many years of wear out of it! And for such a good price! I'm so happy!!!!! It looks beautiful in the pictures, but wait until you see it in real life! It's SO CUUUUTE!!! <3
I love this bag, I'm so glad I got it. I got the bigger version and while it is a fairly small purse overall (depending on your standards), it's bigger than my old one and it's got a decent amount of room in it. I'm going to use it as my every day purse now. <3 The only gripe I have is one of the small pockets sewn on the inside is sewn too much/too tight but other than that very happy with this bag so far - hopefully it's built to last.