I ordered the headdress (wide version) and wristcuffs in the purple colorway, and even though both headdress and wristcuffs are amazingly BEAUTIFUL, and excellent crafted with grade A materials (EVERYTHING is so SOFT and PRETTY!) it's unfortunately not purple, but rather a dusty pink with a slightly purplish undertone...
I love the headdress and wristcuffs (it goes PERFECTLY with the Dusty Pink "Rise Maiden" JSK from Dawn and Morning Dew, which I also have) and I do not fault
MLD for not describing it correctly (this is a translation/language mishap) but if you need a PURPLE headdress/wristcuffs set this is not the one... <3
I love the headdress and wristcuffs (it goes PERFECTLY with the Dusty Pink "Rise Maiden" JSK from Dawn and Morning Dew, which I also have) and I do not fault
MLD for not describing it correctly (this is a translation/language mishap) but if you need a PURPLE headdress/wristcuffs set this is not the one... <3